Tay Family History Society
OSCR Scottish Charity Register

Genealogy Classes running this Spring!

12 February 2024

We're running our Genealogy/Family History Classes again, starting mid-March. This year we'll have six weeks of 'Basic' evening classes for people needing a brush up and for beginners - yes you can be an absolute beginner and this will get you up and running! Or you can be just a bit rusty or wanting to know a bit more, learn some new techniques, learn more about the kind of documents we use. Something for everyone here.

Then we'll have three weeks of 'Advanced' class, dealing with topics like DNA, reading older writing, and finding more obscure resources. You can enrol for the whole 9 weeks, or for the first 6 or for the Advanced 3.

We'll be giving out the dates and the fees very shortly - Watch our 'News' space for details.

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