Tay Family History Society
OSCR Scottish Charity Register

Tay Valley FHS looks forward to Autumn

5 August 2024

Just now we're in Summer - many members will be off on holidays. We hope that you're having a good time, and of course that your genealogy and history researches are proving fruitful. Here, we're planning for the many events of Autumn.

First, we're pleased to announce the Guest Speaker at our AGM (26th September in the Glasite Hall) - Sheriff George Way of Plean, CStJ FRSA, His Majesty’s Rothesay Herald of Arms. Sheriff Way will speak on the green dragons of Dundee - his talk is titled:

Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better

An analysis of the symbolism of the coat of arms of the City of Dundee with particular reference to the heraldic beasts that support the shield.  An extrapolation from this to a more general discussion on the role and significance of heraldic supporters. 
We look forward greatly to this talk and to finding out how and why these green dragons have become associated with Dundee. Members please see the Society Documents on this website for agenda, and for those out of area, details of registering for Zoom, as this will be a hybrid event.

In the same week, we will participate in the Friends of Dundee City Archives event - Family and History fair, on 21st September, also in the Glasite Hall (more details will follow in 'Events' later). And also in Dundee's Doors Open Days, Saturday 28th September, where we welcome visitors to our premises at 179-181 Princes Street, Dundee. So we're planning for our very busy and exciting week!

The image shown is of the Pass of Killiecrankie, showing the river Garry, one of the many tributaries of the Tay. (Image from Murray Nicoll, taken on behalf of TVFHS.)

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