Tay Family History Society
OSCR Scottish Charity Register

The Accused Witches of Perthshire - New Tay Valley video talk - updated with Q&A details

22 December 2024

Q&A January 27th - see below for registration details (members only)!
Midwinter has been traditionally a time for telling stories, spooky ones of ghosts and Witches... So here's a midwinter gift from the campaigning group, Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland. The video first introduces the group and their aims, then discusses some of the history of the 'Witchcrafts Acts' in Scotland and the persecutions of people, mostly but not all women, under these. Then follow the examples of people from Perthshire who were caught up in this, and what's known of their stories.

The first few minutes have a piece of music written especially for RAWS; if you need to, you can skip to 4.40 minutes in to catch up with the talk, but if you do please go back later for the music, which is very beautiful. The video, slides and commentary are copyright © RAWS.

The talk is linked at https://youtu.be/CkEmp02CdOE?si=7MeEEKrvTkciJyE7 and will be added to our Playlist at YouTube. REGISTRATION  details for the Q&A are now at the end of this post!

Question and Answer session is on the last Monday of January (27th) at 8.00 p.m. UK time. This is for MEMBERS of TVFHS. Do please make sure to watch the video-talk before the Q&A, and think about what you most want to know about the period and the people. If you notify your questions to us in advance (at talks@tayvalleyfhs.org.uk) then we'll pass them to RAWS so they are ready with responses - but also we can discuss points as they arise in the Q&A.

Please register for the Q&A here via eventbrite - and the zoom link for the session will be there in the week before the session, and if you've registered you should also get an email giving the link. To register you'll need to give your Membership Number OR the approx. date when you joined us, OR you can add 10,000 to your 'ID number' from the website (that gives your proper Membership Number if you're a fairly new member).

Hoping that you'll like the video, and that we may 'see' you at the Q&A.

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