Tay Family History Society
OSCR Scottish Charity Register

Christmas Special Offer!

25 November 2024

Two from our bookshop, together - ideal for Christmas gifts! The two together £10 plus p&p. Email us to order - or drop by our Centre in Princes Street to buy your copies.

From Lamb’s ‘Dundee: its Quaint and Historic Buildings’ 1895

Dundee: its quaint and historic buildings - AC Lamb facsimile - ref. AN-028

More commonly known as Lamb’s Dundee, this book was compiled by Dundee hotelier, Dundee High School FP and Antiquarian Alexander Crawford Lamb and first published in 1895.  Concerned at how many of Dundee’s historic buildings were disappearing, he sought to document their existence.  This book, with fantastic illustrations by William Gibb, is an essential guide to Dundee which existed before the improvement act of 1879 and the subsequent pieces of what has been referred to as civic vandalism, which occurred during the twentieth century.

This is a facsimile produced for Tay Valley FHS. Image on right is of Gardynes Land as drawn for Lamb's volume - this place, in the High Street, is still here, has been renovated and is now part of a backpackers' hostel.

The Lengs - Dundee's Other Publishing Dynasty - ref. D-078

This book by Gordon Small traces the history of John Leng and his family - the ‘other dynasty’ who put Dundee on the map for professional Journalism. It includes fascinating accounts of many of the people connected with this family, and is illustrated by photographs of people and places, also of advertisements and drawings in some of the publications.

The image is of Kinbrae House. When John Leng first came to Dundee in 1851 he had little money, says Small, but by the 1870s he was able to build this mansion of Kinbrae.
Much more to discover in the book!

Email us for orders just now - or phone. Details on our Contact page.

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