Tay Family History Society
OSCR Scottish Charity Register

Family History/Genealogy Classes starting 20th March!

23 February 2024

Here's details about our classes!
Our series of Family History/Genealogy classes starts on 20th March, on Wednesday evenings, as '6+3' - six sessions of 'Introductory' followed by three 'Advanced' classes. You can sign up for the basic, the advanced, or for both!

The six Introductory sessions give a basic introduction to family history, essential records and where to find them, keeping records, and some less obvious sources such as the Kirk Session minutes and Statistical Accounts of Scotland, while touching briefly on use of DNA testing and on making use of Welsh and English resources.

Our set of three 'advanced' sessions, starting on 15th May, will have much more detail on reading older writing including Secretary Hand, Wills and Testaments, DNA and its interpretation, and use of more obscure resources such as Sasines. For this, you need to have some familiarity already with Scottish Family History resources.

Classes are held in our Centre at 179-181 Princes Street, so that participants can make use of our resources and our computers and software. Time 19.00-21.00 on Wednesday evenings.

Because Easter and school holidays occur during the period of the introductory classes, we plan to be flexible with a two-week 'break' either during the 'basic' classes or at their end, according to what participants decide. The charge for the classes will be £30 for the basic 6-week course, £15 for the advanced 3-weeks, or if participants sign up for both, £40.

To sign up for the classes, email us at tvfhs@tayvalleyfhs.org.uk

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